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Electronic Newsletters

Maintain a direct and long-lasting relationship with our clients or contacts.

Email Marketing is one of the areas of Online Marketing that has experienced the largest growth in recent years and has become a key part of the presence of any project on the Internet.

The great acceptance of its use and reception by users means that more and more companies are using it as a tool for approaching and dealing with their customers.

However, Email Marketing involves great risks if certain vital aspects that can improve or damage the image and results of the company are not taken into consideration:

  1. Frequency: The user's patience should not be abused.
  2. Reliability: Do not send mass mailings that could mark you as a spammer.
  3. Closeness: The message should be appropriate and personalized for that person.
  4. Appropriate: The content of the email should be appropriate and interesting to the user.
  5. Added value: The user must find added value in remaining subscribed.
  6. Segmentation: We must respect the particularities of each user and user groups.
  7. Traceability: We must be able to track the user's interaction with the newsletter.

These are some of the aspects to take into account: the correct development of an Email Marketing campaign must pay special attention to all of them, and the success of the campaign will come from a careful analysis of the results of each mailing to improve and optimize the way of communicating through this channel. The objective is to ensure that this communication tool serves both the interests of the company and those of the user.

The most interesting thing about Email Marketing is the possibility it gives us to actively communicate with users, while at the same time allowing us to get to know them in greater depth and adapt our message to their real needs.

At Sentido Común Internet we develop and implement Online Email Marketing solutions that allow us to manage the creation, edition, and sending of newsletters in a completely online environment; including database administration tools and segmentation by user profiles in groups.

The high ROI of email marketing campaigns makes us recommend that this type of communication tool should always be taken into consideration when improving the commercial results of any Internet portal.

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