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Teófilo Rosete

Teofilo rosete
Buscador de productos en la web de comercio electrónico

www.teofilorosete.es was designed and developed in 2016. An e-commerce website especially for professionals, with an extensive catalogue of more than 3000 products catalogued by numerous features, all of them useful as filters.

Available in several languages, with rates and discounts for customers and product families, among other features, allowing the customer to keep their catalogue fully updated.

The highlight of this website is the advanced search engine, which varies in each product category according to the fields that identify its products.

Información impresa de la página: https://www.sentidocomun.es/v_portal/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod=1516&te=327&idage=2360&vap=0


C/ Victor Garcia de la Concha, 26 bajo
Tfn: 985 89 16 43/ 984 49 18 35
attcliente@sentidocomun.es, www.sentidocomun.es